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Year 3: Hawthorn, Aspen

Aspen and Hawthorn Weekly Update – Friday 14th February 2025


Staff Email Addresses:

Aspen Class:

Hawthorn Class:     


Important Dates


  • World Book Day Thursday 6th March
  • Year 3 Assembly Tuesday 11th March
  • Monday 24th March Roman Day


Roman Day

On Monday 24th March, Year 3 will be taking part in a Roman Day.  A separate letter about this will be sent today via the Gateway app.


Our learning this week: 


English:  This week the children wrote information pages (non-chronological reports) about tea.


Maths:  The children learnt about perimeter this week and calculated the perimeter of a range of shapes.


Science:  The children learnt about seed dispersal this week. Many children were amused (and some were rather disgusted!) to find that animal poo can spread seeds which then grow into new plants! We studied images of seeds to see if we could determine which dispersal method would be most likely.


Rotten Romans

We would like to show the children the “Rotten Romans” DVD at some point.  As it is a PG, we need to know if parents object to us showing it to their child.  If this is the case, please could you email your child’s teacher.  More information can be found at this link:




  • TTRS – 15minutes on ‘Garage’ per week
  • Reading – 5x per week
  • Spelling shed – 10 games per week


Thank you, 

Miss Willey, Mrs Everitt & Mrs Bridgman

Forest School - Plant Focus

Science - Plant Dissection

Art - Sculptures

End of Term Parties!

Stone Age Art - Final Projects

Science: Investigating Soil

Forest School - Stone Age Experience

Art - Marbling

Art - Stencilling

Stone Age Artefacts

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