Teacher’s email addresses:
Hawthorn Class: natashasaunders@stratton.cornwall.sch.uk
Aspen Class: bethwilley@stratton.cornwall.sch.uk
Aspen and Hawthorn Weekly Update – Friday 13th September 2024
The children enjoyed some fun activities this week, such as looking at fascinating artefacts from the Stone Age in History, voting in their school class councillors, studying cave-inspired pieces in art, as well as our bike track afternoon! We are looking forward to our beach trip next Tuesday, which will be focused on our rocks and soils science topic. Please make sure you have given your consent ASAP via the School Gateway app if this hasn’t already been done.
Important Dates:
Our learning this week:
English: This week, the children have been identifying verbs, adverbs and nouns and have used these in their writing. They have also written expanded noun phrases and a review about a trip to the circus.
Maths: This week, the children have been learning about numbers up to 1000, including how to represent and partition numbers. For more information about how maths is delivered in Year 3, please take a look at our calculation policies, which can be found in the ‘general information’ section of our class page (see below).
The children will be given purple homework books. These books are optional; children can use them to write down home learning or to jot down spellings/tables in case their TTRS and Spelling Shed accounts aren’t working. However, as our spelling and times tables homework is set online, there is no obligation to use these books.
TTRS & Spelling
Children should be accessing TTRS for their homework from this week. We expect children to complete 15 minutes on the ‘garage’ section of TTRS. Spelling homework will begin next week. We will be checking for homework on Friday mornings and so it is important that they start accessing their homework earlier in the week so that they can tell us if they encounter any difficulties. They have been told not to leave things to the last minute!
Children should now have their reading books and reading logs. We expect children to read 5 times a week and they can write their home reading in their logs themselves, especially if they read independently.
Thank you,
Miss Willey & Miss Saunders