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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Year 3: Hawthorn, Aspen

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Aspen and Hawthorn Weekly Update – 19th July 2024


Dates for your diary:

Monday 22nd July: Visit to the sea pool - SUMMERLEAZE.

Tuesday 23rd July: Bike Track Day

Wednesday 24th July: Forest School


Sea Pool Trip Reminders:

  • We are meeting at the Lifeboat Station at 9:30am. Please inform us ASAP if your child is attending Breakfast Club and will need walking to the beach from school or if they need walking back for after-school club at the end of the day.
  • Children need to arrive wearing their swimsuit and a wetsuit (this can be pulled up to their waist) unless they are borrowing one.
  • Children must have sun cream applied before they arrive and have some with them to top up later in the day.
  • Children must bring a waterproof coat, sunhat, packed lunch (unless a school packed lunch has been ordered), water bottle, a towel and a change of clothes.


Bike Track:

Next Tuesday, the children will be using the bike track in the morning. If they would like to bring in their bikes, they may do so. They will need to have a helmet that fits in order to be allowed on the track.


Forest School:

Next Wednesday, we will be having a forest school morning. Children will need to be wearing long sleeves and long trousers (or leggings) in order to take part in our activities. We also advise bringing a waterproof coat just in case! Either old trainers or wellies are fine.


On Tuesday, we will send home any of the children’s books that have not gone home this week. Please send your child in with a carrier bag to take these books home in.


Our learning this week:


Maths: The children finished their work on shape this week. They recapped the names of 3D shapes such as cones, cuboids and prisms. They also described these and used straws to create their own 3D shapes.


English: This week, the children planned and wrote sequels for the book ‘Flotsam’ and created a front cover.



Next week and throughout the school holidays, it is important that your child continues practising their times tables, spelling and reading regularly. We often notice a slip in attainment when the children return because they have stopped practising! Whilst we want them to have a well-deserved break, we also advise that they keep up with small amounts of practice to return confidently in September.


This will be our last weekly update for the academic year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and wish you a lovely summer!


Miss Willey, Mrs Loudwill and Mrs Sayers

PE: Hockey Coaching (Hawthorn)

Stone Age Art

Hawthorn Class -Trip to Truro

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