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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Year 5: Oak, Rowan

Welcome to year 5!

Your teachers are: Mrs Chappell & Mr Daly  

Hello and welcome to Year Five!



Weekly update Year 5 team: 19.07.24


24th July – end of term!

This week, the children finished writing an explanation text about a Mars rover. They focussed on writing about communication, research, movement and the safety of the rover. They produced some of their finest writing we have seen! We really feel like they are ready for year 6 next year.

In maths, we have finished learning about volume and capacity. The pupils successfully used multilink cubes to estimate the volume of different objects in the class. The pupils were thrilled to complete their final arithmetic paper of the year!

On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of watching the year 6 dress rehearsal for their end of year production – ‘Porridge’. Both the pupils and teachers thoroughly enjoyed it and had a great afternoon laughing and enjoying the performance.

In computing, the pupils started to calculate the cost of the dream bedroom they have been designing. They were shocked to find out that many of the items they included in their bedroom, such as hot tubs, PCs and fish tanks, cost money and exceeded the budget they had been given.

We finished the week by working on our printing projects in art. The pupils created monochrome self-portrait prints and colourful reduction prints inspired by Andy Warhol. They added a print of their choice to a watercolour background to create a vibrant final piece. Ask your child all about it.


This year, we have decided to continue to use the children's exercise books in their next year if they have several pages left. Because of this, you may find that you do not have as many books coming home as usual. 


Next week, we will be winding down and looking forward to the summer holidays. Let’s hope for some sunny weather!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Chappell & Mr Daly

Important messages/information:


Please put spare trainers in your child’s bag. In the event of rain, wet play and PE are result in wet, damp shoes. Thank you.



Please can your child read 5 times a week, preferably out loud. They have a reading log which will be checked every Friday morning. Please ensure their reading book comes in every day.

We are asking everyone to complete 15 garage sessions per week (15 minutes). Pupils can then play games of their choice once this is complete.

Spellings homework:
Teachers will check the Spelling Shed online logs every Friday. This assignment involves them playing 10 spelling games (there are 10 questions per game) linked to their learning in school. Please ensure that your child has logged in and had a go at accessing some of the games in their assignment. If you encounter any difficulties, please let us know as soon as possible.


Summer Term Second Half


Our topic this half term will be a geography focus, learning about Biomes. 

In science, we are looking at the the life cycles of humans which links with our PSHE sex and relationships education unit. 

In art, we are learning about Andy Warhol and will be doing some printing.  We also have a visiting artist to do some work with groups of children!

In PE this half term, we will be doing cricket and orienteering. 

Getting tied up in knots!

Dance - inspired by the Edo tribe of Benin!

Oak learning Tinkercad!

Drama - The Tempest! Miranda pleading with Prospero to let her marry Ferdinand ❤

Oak getting into their scratch coding!

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