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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Year 5: Oak, Rowan

Welcome to year 5!

Your teachers are: Mrs Chappell & Miss Metherell  

Hello and welcome to Year Five!



Weekly update Year 5 team: 13.9.24




14th- 18th Oct  – Year 5 swimming (please remember to pay and give your consent on the app when asked)

28th Oct – 1st Nov Half Term


Learning this week:


This week, Year 5 have continued to work incredibly hard across all subjects! Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to:


In English, the children have been learning about the incredible contributions of Black women mathematicians at NASA. Their writing has been impressive, showcasing their skills in using the conditional tense.  They have also worked hard on developing their persuasive techniques to write some great letters.  For maths, we've delved deeper into place value, with a focus on multiplying and dividing by powers of 10. The children are showing great progress in mastering these essential skills!


The children have been exploring colour mixing, inspired by Van Gogh’s iconic works, Sunflowers and Starry Night. They practiced blending colours to replicate the hues used by the artist—check out the photos on the website!  In geography, our focus this week was on map skills, and the children had great fun playing a "Where's Wally?"-style game using maps of Greece. It’s been a fun and interactive way for them to develop their geographical knowledge.


We have had our school council elections and Eabha and Matilda have been elected for Oak and Tabby and Ali for Rowan.  Congratulations!  We were both really impressed with how maturing those who didn’t get elected handled their disappointment.  We appreciate that for many children this is something they try for repeatedly. 



TTRS and spelling shed are now set up and reading records have been issued.  We will start monitoring homework from next week onwards.


Please remember to read the Head teacher’s letter for this week.


Have a great weekend!


Mrs Chappell and Miss Metherell



Important messages/information:


Please put spare trainers in your child’s bag. In the event of rain, wet play and PE are result in wet, damp shoes. Thank you.



Please can your child read 5 times a week, preferably out loud. They have a reading log which will be checked every Friday morning. Please ensure their reading book comes in every day.

We are asking everyone to complete 15 garage sessions per week (15 minutes). Pupils can then play games of their choice once this is complete.

Spellings homework:
Teachers will check the Spelling Shed online logs every Friday. This assignment involves them playing 10 spelling games (there are 10 questions per game) linked to their learning in school. Please ensure that your child has logged in and had a go at accessing some of the games in their assignment. If you encounter any difficulties, please let us know as soon as possible.


Autumn Term First Half


Art - matching colours found in 'Starry Night' or 'Sunflowers'

The bike track in the rain!

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