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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
Stratton Primary School, Stratton - Welcome to Our New School Website!
‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Visions and Values

“successful learning in a happy environment”

aspiration  compassion  independence  respect

Stratton Primary School
Mission Statement


Central to Stratton School is the mutual respect between all members of the school community where individuals’ self-esteem, achievement and fulfilment are nurtured.

The school provides an education that delivers opportunities through an enriched, creative curriculum that equips pupils as future citizens of Stratton, Cornwall and the wider world. Staff and governors strive to develop an atmosphere of inspiration and productivity that buzzes with excitement.  They ensure the environment is safe, secure and designed to foster learning.

Stratton School’s dynamic and motivated team work to develop a positive attitude to learning which will support pupils throughout their future.


Stratton School Aims

To provide an inclusive curriculum that inspires and challenges children and encourages resilient and active learners with enquiring minds.

Academic standards
To challenge and support pupils, to raise the attainment of each individual to the highest standard that they are capable of achieving.

To encourage pupils to engage with, and positively contribute to school, local, national and global communities.  To help pupils develop as emotionally literate citizens with a sense of social responsibility.

Learning Environment
To create a warm respectful environment that encourages good behaviour.  To ensure that the school site, both inside and outside, is inspirational, child friendly and supports and enhances learning.


To give children opportunities to experience a diverse range of cultural experiences including theatre and the arts, music, film, sport, religious and multi-cultural.


Parents and community
To work with parents and the wider community to enhance children’s learning and encourage them to adopt healthy lifestyles.

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