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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
Stratton Primary School, Stratton - Welcome to Our New School Website!
‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Stratton Primary School aims to deliver a rich and purposeful computing curriculum (which follows the 2014 National Curriculum and is in line with the EYFS Framework) which enables children to become confident, digitally literate citizens in today’s society. Our goal is to foster a love and clear understanding of how to use technology effectively and also learn how to become problem solvers in the future, through coding activities both on and offline. Children will have the opportunity to work with a range of technology during their time in Stratton Primary School, and they are encouraged to explore their creativity, resilience and problem solving whilst applying these skills across other curriculum areas. 


Online Safety

We intend for all our pupils to become competent internet users, safe and appropriate social media users and enjoy the benefits of online life safely.  




Stratton Primary School’s computing curriculum maps set out programmes of lerning that builds on prior knowledge and skills. This is through building their fluency and skills over certain programmes, for example, using Scratch Junior in Key Stage 1 and then transitioning to Scratch, building progressively up till Year 6. Throughout their time, the children will also experience a broad variety of other programmes so they have a thorough range of experiences. There is a bank of resources outlining each area of computing to support teacher’s planning from a range of schemes, programs and apps.  For example:

  • Barefoot Computing
  • Scratch/Scratch Junior
  • Office 365
  • Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, Jamboards
  • Stop Motion Animation
  • Garageband

Teachers plan and deliver half termly, focused blocks of learning based on discrete areas of computing.  Computing skills are also applied across other curriculum areas.

By using these curriculum maps in conjunction with the progression of skills documents, pupils should develop both their knowledge and skills in this subject each year.


Online safety

In line with our Relationships and Health Education curriculum map, each class follows a set of six plans for online safety using schemes of work from common-sense media.  These are delivered throughout the year. In addition, integrated online safety is regularly delivered through:

  • on-going discussions and reminders during sessions in class or assemblies
  • ensure that there are regular reminders: for checking their privacy settings on personal devices (especially for Key Stage 2 children with phones), to report inappropriate online activity, what they are posting online and discussions around accepting the ‘right’ friends on social media and games


Children will become digitally literate citizens who can problem solve, debug and apply their skills across a variety of technology and applications. 

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