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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
Stratton Primary School, Stratton - Welcome to Our New School Website!
‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Stratton Primary School aims to deliver a rich and purposeful science curriculum which enables children to become confident scientists in today’s society. Teachers must strive to inspire and engage children in science by delivering inspirational sessions and visits that promote learning and progress.







Teachers will ensure that they cover the appropriate science as laid out in the 2014 National Curriculum.


Teachers should aim to deliver a science session weekly - although a ‘science day’ might be used for certain topics, if appropriate. Teachers have a thorough understanding of the resources available within the school, including outdoor resources, to maximise the learning experiences.


Progression in children’s learning across the school will be in line with the school’s progressions of skills in science document (see this document below) which focuses on ‘working scientifically’.


Science lessons are mostly hands-on, engaging science, allowing children to experience science, encouraging discussion and enquiring minds.  Using the ‘Science Investigation Sheets’ as a starting point for investigations, the learning can be recorded in a range of ways: by writing, photographs, simple tables, or using an appropriate recording sheet.


It is important that all pupils are able to access a full range of experiences.  Teachers will, therefore, ensure that they identify and provide for pupils’ special educational needs, where this is appropriate; this might include alternative recording methods or vocabulary preteach.


There are numerous opportunities for cross-curricular science; teachers will be alert to those opportunities and plan accordingly.




Teachers will assess the children's progress informally and formally during the lessons, evaluating progress against the expectations of the National Curriculum.


Overall science attainment is recorded on our main tracker, Insight. All teachers report pupil attainment annually to parents.


The Science lead monitors the impact of the policy in the following ways:

  • Lesson observations
  • Work scrutinities
  • Whole school moderation
  • Pupil conferencing 

British Science Week

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