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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Year R: Sweet Chestnut, Horse Chestnut

Teacher Contact Information 


Your teachers are: Miss Parker, Mrs Reay and Mrs Baker


You can email them at:

Miss Parker (Sweet Chestnut)


Mrs Reay and Mrs Baker (Horse Chestnut)    

Friday 19th July



This week, we have learnt about sea creatures. We put on our diving equipment and explored the underwater world! We have learnt lots of interesting facts; did you know a start fish has no brain? See what other facts your children can remember about sea creatures from the week.


If you still have any school library books or reading books, please hand back to an adult on the gate. Your child does not need to bring their book bag to school next week. Please keep the book bag in a safe place ready for September. Please continue to bring a small back pack with snack and water bottle.

Monday – Forest School:

On Monday afternoon, we will be visiting Forest School. Please wear long trousers and long sleeves or bring them for your child to change in to.

Tuesday - Bike Track

On Tuesday morning, we will be visiting the Bike Track. Please can your child bring their bike and helmet to school if they have one. Balance bikes can also be brought in but not scooters or bikes with stabilisers.

School Dinners:

Please ensure you have checked what your child has for school dinners on Tuesday and Wednesday. For both of these days, there are just roll options. You will probably need to re-order your child’s dinners.

Beach Day:

Unfortunately, our beach day had to be cancelled due to the amount of rain that was forecasted. We have tried to rearrange but 2minute Beach Clean are fully booked now until the end of the term.

Reading over the holiday:

As usual, Bude Library will be running the Summer Reading Challenge over the summer holiday. It has already started and your child can take part with no charge. Please encourage your child to visit the library and read 6 books over the break. There will be rewards including a certificate and badge.

The children have now been assessed for their new groups in September. Please continue to ensure that you are reading with your child, over the long summer holiday, so their reading does not slip.


This week, the children have been learning about part-whole models. They have been moving the whole number of objects into parts and discussing the various ways we can make a given number. E.g. ‘5 is made of 3 and 2, 3 and 2 make 5’

Happy retirement Mrs Baker!

Finally, we want to wish Mrs Baker the very best as she comes to the end of her time at Stratton Primary School. We are all going to miss her very much but I’m sure you join us in wishing her well for her future retirement.

We would like to take this opportunity, to thank you for all your support this year, with your child’s learning, in their first year of school. We have thoroughly enjoyed teaching Chestnut Class and we wish them the very best as they move to Year 1.

 Have an amazing summer holiday!

From all the YR Team.



Dates for the diary

Monday 22nd July – Forest school

Tuesday 23rd July – Bike track

Wednesday 24th July – end of term

Tuesday 3rd September – INSET Day

Tuesday 4th September – children return to school

Reading Homework


With your child, please carry out a variety of the following tasks at least 5 times a week.

  • Practise recognising letter sounds using flashcards daily – this is essential practise to get your child reading.
  • If your child is consistently recognising most of the letter sounds, make simple words out of the flashcards for them to practise reading. For example, sat, tap, dog, bed. Encourage your child to point to each letter as they say the sounds. Once they have said each sound, they need to blend them together to say the whole word. Eg. s – a –t, sat. They may need you to model this initially before they have a try.
  • Share your child’s lilac book. This book has no words. Your child needs to look closely at the picture and talk about what they think is happening. This develops their oracy comprehension and inference skills.
  • Based on your child’s most recent phonics assessment, the may also bring home a Read, Write, Inc Blending book or a ditty sheet to read at home.

Please keep all of the above in your child’s book bag. They need to bring their book bag to school every day.

Complete this reading record at least 5 times a week so that we know that your child is practising their reading at home.

Please make sure that you date and initial to show that your child has read their lilac book/blending book/flash cards.

We will check the reading logs once a week. Please speak to any member of the Reception staff if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support in helping your child learn to read.

The YR Team

Phonics Meeting for Reception Parents: An Introduction to Read Write Inc. Phonics

Phonics Parent Video: How to say the sounds

Useful Information About Bude Library

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