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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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PE and Sports Premium

“Successful Learning in a Happy Environment”

aspiration compassion independence respect




Stratton Primary School aims to work co-operatively and creatively to develop and shape children’s outlook, encouraging them to lead healthy, active lives, through high quality physical education, activity and sport. We aim to provide an inclusive and broad curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with SEN and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.  


“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.”



A high quality PE curriculum is provided through strong teaching and learning opportunities.

Our school follows the programmes of study as set out in the National Curriculum which aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports, competitions and activities
  • lead healthy and active lives
  • Promoting 30 minutes of physical activity a day. This can include after-school activities, daily runs, playtimes and movement breaks (Yoga/active blast/aerobics/active maths)

EYFS Physical development

Physical development is one of the three prime areas within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS). Gross-motor skills enable children to show good control, coordination in large and small movements whilst negotiating space safely. Children are able to handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.


Stratton Primary School will ensure that any barriers to learning or participation are removed by ensuring that we have an inclusive curriculum and scheme of work that allows all children to take part. Some examples of the provision that we have for children with SEND are:

  • Wherever possible, a range of equipment and resources to allow participation in most sporting activities. This can include:

a) The altering of rules and marking out of different pitches and zones to make play possible for all pupils.

b) Nets that are height adjustable.

c) Softer / larger balls for pupils who struggle with co-ordination or have slower reactions.

d) Differently sized bats and rackets to suit all needs.

e) Smaller groups with increased teacher support.

f) TA support where required.

  • Clear, chunked instructions to ensure appropriate progress can be made from the child’s starting point.
  • Progression of skills document used to support building on prior or missing fundamental skills.
  • Schemes of learning which has specific SEN planning for all staff.

Teachers will use the Absolute Education APP to target pupil premium, disadvantaged and children who are not active outside of school to ensure that they are given the opportunities to take part in extra-curricular clubs and out-of-school competitions.


Teachers use the Stratton PE annual curriculum map so that children access a wide range of sports and activities throughout the year and across year groups. Teachers prepare plans using the ARENA schemes of work to support them, assess physical development and progress of pupils, and provide feed-back to the curriculum leader regarding planning and resourcing needs. During sessions where coaching is provided by an external coach, the teacher will watch the lessons to enhance their professional development, work with less or more-able pupils with targeted intervention, or carry out pupil assessments.

Before lessons, staff will ensure all safety aspects have been followed using the appropriate school indoor, gymnastic or outdoor risk assessment. These include – checking all equipment is safe to use, earrings are covered with PE specific tape, outdoor areas are clear and safe to use and all medical resources are taken to the area being used.

Teachers should continue to use the silent signals where possible but whistles can be used, especially out on the field.

SPS has a well-equipped PE store stocked with appropriate resources for all types of PE. This is regularly checked and new equipment is ordered where it is needed.

The school promotes PE through extra-curricular clubs and festivals. See appendix 1.

Swimming and water safety

Pupils in years 1,2, 3,4,5 and 6 receive swimming lessons. Each class has one intense week of daily lessons. Children who have not achieved the end of KS2 outcomes are offered 5 extra hours of swimming teaching in a small group over a week in the summer term.

Outcomes:  by the end of Key Stage 2 pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations


Funfit interventions can be used throughout the school to support those children who need support with their Gross motor skills, co-ordination and fundamental skills that they lack in for their age related expectations.

Sports leaders

Sports leaders will be trained to provide structured activities during lunchtimes, especially in key stage 1. They will be supported by a member of staff. They will be responsible for getting the correct equipment for their activity. They will have a meeting once a half term with the PE lead to discuss how these sessions are going. They will also support the running of the KS1 sports day and, where possible, any other PE related competitions/festivals that take place in school.


Zoned areas will be used to provide children with access to a variety of equipment during lunchtimes. PE leads will be responsible for ensuring that the play time cupboards and trolleys are resourced with the equipment required. Staff will follow a rota whilst on duty and oversee the zoned areas, making sure equipment is looked after and used respectfully and safely. Sports leaders are responsible for putting the equipment away at the end of lunchtime. Staff are encouraged to promote these activities and support the running of any scheduled activities where needed.

Assessment / monitoring and progression

All class teachers are responsible for recording their class participation in clubs and festivals after school on the Absolute Education APP. They are also responsible for inputting any sporting activities that the children complete outside of school.

Assessment tool to be used by class teachers to support assessments and to be used to track targeted children. This tool will help future PE planning for teachers.


The Curriculum Leaders will monitor the impact and implementation of this policy through:

  • analysis of data provided by the Absolute Education APP to demonstrate increased physical activity and increased levels of participation in school sport
  • completing the Sports Premium breakdown of funding which monitors the impact of opportunities provided
  • monitoring of lessons to ensure continuity and progression within the teaching of PE.


PE Leads

Jason Seldon and Naomi Reay

Sports Premium 2023 - 24 Final draft

Year 3 and 4 Boys Football Festival 2024

Cross Country Finals 2024

Year 5/6 football festival

EYFS multi-skills

Year 1 and 2 Ball skills

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