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Year 4: Ash, Juniper

Ash and Juniper Weekly Update – Friday 19th July 2024



Dates for your diary:


Eden Project Trip – Monday 21st July – leave school at 8.30am.  Register at 8.20. Return 5.15 approx.

Sea pool/beach day – Tuesday 22nd July – meet Summerleaze car park at 9.15 am. Pick up 3.15.  


Please also see message below:

On Tuesday 23rd parents have arranged a 4pm session of the Monster Slip and Slide. If everyone books their own child's slot, more information is on the year 4 Facebook page. 


On Tuesday afternoon we were invited to watch the Year 6 end of year matinee performance called Porridge.


English – We finished The Lion and The Unicorn and have planned and written our own evacuation stories.


Maths: In Maths, we have completed consolidation lessons for 3 digit by 1 digit formal multiplication methods and thought about factors and products.


Science:  We have been looking at the water cycle.


Computing:  In mixed class groups the children have completed their animal based ‘Stop Motion’ animations.


P.E.: This week we have played kick rounders and netball.



Maths – Please can you ask your child to complete at least one daily sound check as these are very similar to the Multiplication check that they will be doing. Times Tables Rockstars: 4 sound checks (10 minutes) and 5 garage sessions (5 minutes.) Their log in details are in their homework books.


Reading – Please remember to write in the yellow reading log. We expect children to read at least 5 times a week.


Spelling – Spelling Shed assignment. Their log in details are in the front of their homework book.


Thank you and enjoy your weekend.

Miss Barriball and Mrs Carpenter


If you need to contact us;

Ash Class:

Juniper Class:



























Ash and Juniper Weekly Update – Friday 5th July 2024




Dates for your diary:


We still need a couple of volunteers to join us on our Eden Project Trip.  Please get in contact if you can assist.  We will also need some helpers to assist us with the walk to the beach this week.


Geography Beach Field Trip – Wednesday 10th July

Eden Project Trip – Monday 21st July

Sea pool/beach day – Tuesday 22nd July


English – We continue to look at The Lion and The Unicorn by Shirley Hughes.  We have been writing diary entries, thinking about conjunctions, fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses.


Maths: In Maths, we have been thinking about the relationship between decimals and fractions.


Science:  As part of our changing matter unit of work we investigated evaporation and condensation.


Geography: This week we continue our work on the Amazon rainforest and have thought about the human and physical processes behind the flooding in Boscastle and Crackington Haven in 2004.


Computing:  In mixed class groups the children continued writing scripts, making models and discussing designs for animal based ‘Stop Motion’ animations.


P.S.H.E.  We have been thinking about what is good for us and what is bad for us.



Maths – Please can you ask your child to complete at least one daily sound check as these are very similar to the Multiplication check that they will be doing. Times Tables Rockstars: 4 sound checks (10 minutes) and 5 garage sessions (5 minutes.) Their log in details are in their homework books.


Reading – Please remember to write in the yellow reading log. We expect children to read at least 5 times a week.


Spelling – Spelling Shed assignment. Their log in details are in the front of their homework book.


Thank you and enjoy your weekend.

Miss Barriball and Mrs Carpenter


If you need to contact us;

Ash Class:

Juniper Class:

Ash and Juniper Weekly Update – Friday 5th July 2024




Dates for your diary:


We still need a couple of volunteers to join us on our Eden Project Trip.  Please get in contact if you can assist.  We will also need some helpers to assist us with the walk to the beach this week.


Geography Beach Field Trip – Wednesday 10th July

Eden Project Trip – Monday 21st July

Sea pool/beach day – Tuesday 22nd July


English – We continue to look at The Lion and The Unicorn by Shirley Hughes.  We have been writing diary entries, thinking about conjunctions, fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses.


Maths: In Maths, we have been thinking about the relationship between decimals and fractions.


Science:  As part of our changing matter unit of work we investigated evaporation and condensation.


Geography: This week we continue our work on the Amazon rainforest and have thought about the human and physical processes behind the flooding in Boscastle and Crackington Haven in 2004.


Computing:  In mixed class groups the children continued writing scripts, making models and discussing designs for animal based ‘Stop Motion’ animations.


P.S.H.E.  We have been thinking about what is good for us and what is bad for us.



Maths – Please can you ask your child to complete at least one daily sound check as these are very similar to the Multiplication check that they will be doing. Times Tables Rockstars: 4 sound checks (10 minutes) and 5 garage sessions (5 minutes.) Their log in details are in their homework books.


Reading – Please remember to write in the yellow reading log. We expect children to read at least 5 times a week.


Spelling – Spelling Shed assignment. Their log in details are in the front of their homework book.


Thank you and enjoy your weekend.

Miss Barriball and Mrs Carpenter


If you need to contact us;

Ash Class:

Juniper Class:


Meet The Teacher

Multiplication Tables Check - Guide for Parents

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