Teacher contacts:
Mrs Reay
Mrs Harris
Miss Puckey
claudiapuckey@stratton.cornwall.sch.uk (This email address is currently not available, please message the office with messages for Miss Puckey).
Year 1 weekly update - Friday 13th September
Dear Parents/Carers,
The children have managed their first full week of Year 1 really well!
We have had lots of lost jumpers this week. There were at least ten jumpers/fleeces/cardigans with no names in that have been left behind in the classroom. These will be put in the uniform exchange at the end of each week. Please take the time to clearly label your child’s belongings.
Bike track
We are planning a Year 1 bike track session on Monday 16th September (this coming Monday!). Year 1 children are invited to bring their bike to school to ride on the track. Children must have a securely fitted helmet and be able to ride their bike confidently and independently. We cannot use scooters, or bikes with stabilisers on the track. Children that don’t have a bike on Monday will still be able to enjoy walking/running around the track and playing on the field.
Reading books
Every child should now have been given reading books to read at home. All children on the Read Write Inc. programme will change their book band book every Monday. Every Thursday they will change their storybook. The book band book will relate to the text your child has read in school but will be new to them. The storybook will be a paper version of the one they have read in school. Reading of their storybook at home will help to increase their fluency and allow them to further develop their 'storyteller voice'. Please ensure books are kept in a book bag and that the book bag is in school every day. Please do not put books in bags with drinks bottles and/or food as we have had many books damaged in the past by being stored this way. Each half term, Mrs Sayers will send out a Sway with information about your child's Read Write Inc. group and the sounds they will be learning. Please listen to your child read 5 times a week at home so they can 'show off' the skills they are learning and develop these further.
End of day routines
Thank you for lining up in two separate lines to collect your child at the end of the day – it makes it a lot quicker and easier. Pine class line up along the fence on the inside of the pavement and Maple class along the white line on the outer edge of the pavement.
Please encourage your child to stay in the line and be independent. Please try not to talk with your child over the fence and don’t allow them to pass bags/coats etc to you over the fence. We need the children to stay in their line and listen for their name being called.
Reading - please read at home 5 times each week and record this in your reading log. Reading logs will be checked every Friday.
Spellings - Spelling homework is to use Little Birds spelling to support spelling of common exception words. Click on the following link to take you to the game https://ictgames.com/littleBirdSpelling/ Along the top where it says ‘Year’, select number 1 for Year 1. This week, we are focussing on the red house, learning the words: the, to, do, of, said you, go, no. Once you have clicked on the house, press go. Your child will get to study the word to see how to spell it and then has to drag the tiles up to spell it. Playing this more than once will help to secure their spelling of the words. Please record in your child’s purple homework book once they have completed their homework. Alternatively, you may like to get them to practise spelling the words into their homework book. We plan to continue with the same spellings for two weeks at a time.
Maths – maths homework will begin next week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Harris, Mrs Reay and Miss Puckey