Welcome to our Musical Performance page. The pupils at Stratton Primary School enjoy weekly music lessons. In these sessions they have many opportunities to sing, compose, improvise, play instruments and discuss a wide genre of music.
An important element of music is performance. We will add videos and photos to this page of children performing and sharing their learning from their music lessons. There will also be videos and photos of children who learn musical instruments with our visiting peripatetic teachers.
We hope you enjoy these performances.
Would your child like to learn a musical instrument?
There are many music lessons taught in our school by music teachers from Cornwall Music Service Trust. Lessons cost as little as £5.36, for a 30-minute lesson, if there are 4 or 5 pupils in the group. If your child is eligible for free school meals, they probably will be able to have their lessons at a highly reduced rate or for no charge.
If your child is interested in learning any of the instruments listed below, please visit the CMST website and register your interest.
Recorder - Y1 upwards
Clarinet, flute or Saxophone - year 3 upwards
Violin – Y1 upwards
Guitar –Y3 upwards.
Keyboard - These lessons are for Y1 upwards.
Brass – please register your child’s interest, Y3 upwards, and must have their front teeth!
Singing - These are from year 3 upwards.
Soundwaves South West and Music Therapy Trust, a locally-based charity, provide free loans of musical instruments to many of our children who receive music lessons in school. This also makes learning an instrument more accessible.
Children's University Stamp Code
BLUE 3683