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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Reading at Home

Have you ever wondered why it's so important to read with your child at home? The website below shares some useful information about the impact of sharing stories with children.

Accelerated Reader (AR) at Home: Advice

When children move on from Read Write Inc. phonics, they are expected to read more independently by following the Accelerated Reader programme. General information about AR can be found on the curriculum area of our our website:


To support your child with their reading once they have moved onto AR, we recommend that you continue listening to your child read once or twice a week, with the expectation that they will read independently at home more often. As a guide, we suggest that children should be reading at home at least five times a week in total. Once children are in Key Stage Two (Year 3 and above), they can write in their own reading logs to indicate home reading. This will be checked regularly in school.

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