As a school, our vision is:
- To make language inclusive and enjoyable for all
- Foster an interest in learning another language
- To ensure that children are exposed to French throughout EYFS and KS1
- To continue with French as a coherent programme from Year 3 to Year 6
- To include learning about life and culture in France and French-speaking countries.
As a multicultural society, we have a duty to provide our children with an understanding of other cultures and languages. It is therefore our intention that all pupils leave Stratton Primary School with an understanding of at least one other language. We aim to equip pupils with skill in speaking, listening, reading and writing so that they can continue to study languages successfully in their next stage of education.
Teaching and Learning
- MFL is led by a highly qualified linguist.
- MFL teaching is based on the guidance material in the Primary Framework for Foreign Languages (KS2) and requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum.
- Language Angels scheme of work is used by all staff from Years R-6
- ‘Physical French Phonics’ is used to support the French phonics system to help the children read and write in French.
- A variety of techniques are used to encourage the children to have an active engagement with the Foreign Language, including games, role play and action songs.
- A multi-sensory and kinaesthetic approach to teaching is used, i.e. a physical element is introduced into some of the games, rhymes and songs as this serves to reinforce memory.
- Children’s confidence is built through praise for any contribution they make, however tentative.
- MFL is also to be delivered discretely from EYFS onwards through everyday language such as greetings and commands.
At Stratton Primary School, all children, except pupils with EHCPs that outline adapted provision, are included in MFL lessons. We recognise that learning a language boosts self-esteem, improves communication and opens doors. We will ensure any barriers to learning or participation are removed by:
- Providing support in smaller groups where possible.
- Ensuring that scaffolded support is available such as word mats and sentence builders.
- Creating an environment whereby children are able to freely and confidently practise speaking without being singled out.
- Providing group and partner work to encourage peer support.
- Providing regular opportunities for consolidation and revisiting of prior learning to help with working and long-term memory acquisition.
- Clearly chunking instructions that are easy to follow.
- Making sure that well planned (not over planned) lessons are not overwhelming and learning objectives are easy to achieve by all.
- Providing sensory experiences where possible.
- Creating links with other areas of the curriculum to help with making connections with other aspects of learning.
The curriculum leader will monitor the impact and implementation of this policy through:
- Providing access to differentiated and scaffolded learning resources and equipment
- Chunking instructions ensuring they are clear and succinct and allowing thinking time to ensure appropriate progress can be made from the child’s starting point
- Using partner talk throughout inputs to encourage children to share their language skills
- Repeating activities in order to encourage retrieval practice and supporting children’s working memory
- Using flexible grouping
- Asking children to assess their own understanding of an objective
- Adapting learning to ensure all pupils can access teaching and learning of French
Teachers will assess the children’s progress informally and formally during the lessons, evaluating progress against the four national Attainment Targets of:
- Listening and Responding
- Speaking
- Reading and Responding
- Writing
Teachers will assess the children’s progress informally and formally during the lessons, evaluating progress against the expectations of the National Curriculum. Each child will be assessed against three different objectives each term on an Excel grid. This grid will travel with the children each year so that their progress can be monitored throughout their primary careers. All teachers report pupil attainment annually to parents from Year 3 upwards. The policy also supports the development of teachers’ practice.