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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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School Uniform

Information about our uniform and how to order it.


We have an active style uniform which will enable pupils to join in with a range of active learning and sport without the need to change their clothes. We expect pupils to look smart and not vary from the uniform listed below:



School uniform consists of the following:


  • Sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan in burgundy (logo optional)
  • White polo shirt (logo optional)
  • Plain black joggers (school logo optional), black leggings or black skirt (with cycling-style shorts under)

Warm weather options

  • Plain black shorts (school logo optional) 
  • Blue gingham dress (with cycling-style shorts under)
  • Black skirt (with cycling-style shorts under)


Plain socks (no tights please)

Plain black trainers (please check your child can manage fastenings independently)


In school, for health and safety reasons, the only jewellery allowed is a watch and stud earrings.

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