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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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School Council

School Council 2023-2024.

Congratulations to all of the new appointed school councillors.






Roles in Stratton school council 2023-24

Chair = Elsie Piper

Vice chair = Ivy Hodgson 

Secretary = Lottie Baker

Vice secretary = Isabelle Williams

Public relations officer = Sophia Gill 

Vice PROs = Sennen  Edmonds 

Treasurer = Ellie Midleton 

Vice treasurer = Charlie West 


Election manifesto template 2023-24

We try to make sure that the school council achieve what is on the manifestos so remember to make sure what you put on them is realistic and achievable.

If you feel your child needs support to write their manifesto, that is absolutely fine. Please remember to write their name on the back of the manifesto. 

We have kept last years school council information below for you to have a look at if you are stuck for ideas.


This year, the school is aiming to further improve:

* reading, writing, computing, Early Years

* eco-school

* leadership 





Charity Team - 

Charity Events -


The Jenda pop up sale made £240 for the school in Ethiopia!

Thank you to every one who supported the event.

All left over clothing was donated to the Bags for Schools charity.


Coming up - 

Dodgeball festival -  fundraising for the Dogs trust.



Community Team - 

This weekend St Andrews Church are holding their annual flower festival. This year Stratton Primary School have had the expert help from Erica Clements owner of Bluejen florist.

Four school councillors put together an amazing display highlighting a few of the children's favourite things. 

The festival is running from 24th - 27th May.

Eco - Warriors - 

Crisp packet and pen recycling

The eco-team are continuing to collect and recycle crisp packets and pens.

We gather them up from each classroom every week, ready for collection.


School Environment - 

Pride Flowerbed.

June is Pride month and we wanted to celebrate by adding pride flag coloured flowers to a flowerbed in the school playground. 

Huge thank you to Erica and Isabelle who kindly donated flowers and adding them to the bed.

Quiet area improvements.

The school environment team met with Mrs Tout and we talked about how to change the school environment.

Future plans were made to put a chalk board and a nice mural painting of a sea scape in our current quiet area of the playground.



Tidy classroom award.

Each week, the school council will be inspecting each classroom and awarding the tidiest classroom.

This will take place every Wednesday afternoon!

The winning class will be presented with a rosette which they can display proudly in their classroom.



Teaching and Learning Team - 

Playground Team - 

New buddy benches 

Mr Bunning has informed us that the new buddy benches will be arriving soon. 

We will keep you up to date.

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