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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
Stratton Primary School, Stratton - Welcome to Our New School Website!
‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Stratton Primary School aims to deliver a rich and purposeful English curriculum in line with the 2021 Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and the 2014 National Curriculum for English which enables children to become confident, literate citizens in today’s society.


Our goal is to foster a love for language and literature in order to maximise pupils’ life chances. An essential part of this is developing children’s speaking and listening skills in the early years and equipping them with a broad understanding of language as they progress through the school. Through our rigorous approach to reading, from Reception through to Year 6, we aim for all pupils, including those with SEN and disadvantaged backgrounds, to become confident, fluent readers.  Teachers strive to inspire and engage all children in reading and writing by using rich, inspirational texts that promote learning. All children are expected to apply their English skills in subjects across the wider curriculum and it is our intention that all pupils reach at least their age related expectations in phonics, reading and writing.


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