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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Year 2: Willow, Hazel

Teacher’s email addresses:

Willow Class:

Hazel Class:


Hazel and Willow Weekly Update – Friday 19th April 2024

Well done for a great first week back! The children settled superbly well and it was great to hear about all the wonderful things they did during their Easter holidays!

Dates for your diary

Monday 22nd April – Year 2 cake bake - Make sure the containers are named please. Star bakers will be posted on The Friends Facebook page. If you are able to help, please contact the Friends:


Wednesday 24th April – Class photos


Thursday 2nd May – We are still waiting for payments and consent! Please can this be done ASAP as well as ordering a school packed lunch if your child requires one. We still require one parent helper from Willow class! Contact Miss Smith if you can help!



English: This week, the children continued with learning of ‘If all the world were’ poem. The children focused on using ‘because’ when explaining why things are special to them, learnt about the suffixes –ment and –ness before then planning their own poem.

Maths: In maths, the children have started their learning sequence of fractions. They started looking at wholes and parts, equal and unequal parts and finding and recognising a half.

Topic: To launch this half term’s topic, Flying High, the children watched videos of flights taking-off and the beginning part of The Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines film. The children then discussed what they knew already about flight.  In art, the children learnt about the artist Henry Moore, who is famous for his abstract sculptures. In science, the children started their sequence of learning about plants, observing different seeds and bulbs and comparing the similarities and differences between them.

PE: The children started their tennis lessons and gymnastics sessions this week.



Maths – Please complete the assigned three 3-minute sessions of Times Table Rockstars that have been set. You can log in at this link

Click on student, type in and select Stratton Primary School (EX239AP) and then use your child’s Numbots username and password (in their yellow reading log or purple homework book) to log in. Children are expected to know their 2, 5 and 10 times table before the end of Year 2 to be on track for age-related learning. Completing TTRS regularly will help secure these. We are able to track participation on TTRS so there is no need to record this in the purple homework book.

Reading – Please read five times a week at home.


RWI children If your child is in a RWI group, they have been assigned an activity on Spelling Shed linked to common exception words.   

Mr Seldon’s and Miss Smith’s spelling groups the children will be learning how to spell words where the ‘o’ makes an /a/ sound. Your child has been set an assignment of 5 games to play to support their spelling of these words.   


Thank you and have a great weekend.

Mr Seldon and Miss Smith

Finished weaving - Willow Class

Weaving - Hazel

Hazel Christmas party

Tree Planting - Hazel Class

Victorian Workshop - Hazel Class

Victorian Toy Workshop - Willow Class

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