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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Year 2: Willow, Hazel

Teacher’s email addresses:

Willow Class: 

Hazel Class:

Hazel and Willow Weekly Update – Friday 19th July 2024

Dates for your diary

Beach trip – Monday 22nd July – make sure you have ordered a school packed lunch if you require one!

End of term – Wednesday 24th July.


Beach trip: Please ensure you have read the letter below to see what needs to be brought to the beach trip on Monday. If you have offered to volunteer, we are aiming to leave school just after 9 so please sign in at the office first and wait for an adult to come down and meet you.

Bag and books!: Your child will be bringing home books on Wednesday so they may need an extra bag to carry it all in!

This year, we have decided to continue to use the children's exercise books in their next year if they have several pages left. Because of this, you may find that you do not have as many books coming home as usual. 

Bike track: We have the bike track booked on Tuesday. Please make sure your child has a helmet if they wish to go around the track.

Y2 sleepover: Well done to all those stayed over last night or attended the activities in the evening! The children were great throughout and even managed to get some sleep! See the pictures below.



English: This week, the children have written their own ‘Walking guide to Bude’, writing about some of the amazing places you can visit in Bude.  

Maths: This week, the children have continued consolidating some of their previous learning from earlier in the year. They focused on time learning this week, recapping the ‘past’ and ‘to’ sides of the clock before telling time to 5 minutes.

DT – Both classes made their fruit kebabs and evaluated them, thinking about what went well and what they would change or improve next time they would make them.



Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mr Seldon and Miss Saunders


Year 2 beach trip letter

Sleepover 2024

Rosemoor Visit - Hazel Class

Finished weaving - Willow Class

Weaving - Hazel

Hazel Christmas party

Tree Planting - Hazel Class

Victorian Workshop - Hazel Class

Victorian Toy Workshop - Willow Class

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