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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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‘Successful learning in a happy environment’
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Stratton Primary School's Curriculum 

'Successful learning in a happy environment'


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 

We plan an exciting and challenging curriculum based on our observations of children’s needs, interests and stages of development across the seven areas of learning to enable the children to achieve the early learning goals. All seven areas of learning and development are important and interconnected.


These three are the prime areas of learning:

● Communication and Language

● Personal, Social and Emotional Development

● Physical Development


Children are also supported through the four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. These specific areas are:

● Literacy

● Mathematics

● Understanding the World

● Expressive Arts and Design


Each area of learning and development is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a combination of adult-led and child-initiated activities. We plan a balance between children having time and space to engage in their own child-initiated activities and those that are planned by the adults. Through adult-led activities we introduce children to new ideas, provide opportunities for them to develop their skills and ensure that they experience all areas of learning in the EYFS. During children’s play, practitioners interact to stretch and challenge children further, through building conversation, facilitating and sharing ideas and modelling skills. Such interaction with the children is essential as this helps to build the children’s understanding and therefore guides new learning. We also plan a variety of enrichment opportunities and trips within the community to bring the children’s learning to life.


Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2 (Years 1-6)

At Stratton Primary School, we aim for a broad and balanced curriculum, valuing every subject.  We aim to be creative and memorable whilst providing rich opportunities for the children to ensure all children are successful and happy learners. Our curriculum is enriched with visitors, educational visits and our wonderful grounds.


We are passionate about planning and delivering a creative, challenging, inclusive curriculum which is purposeful for all students and follows the 2014 National Curriculum. This builds progressively over the children’s time at Stratton to develop their skills and knowledge in individual subjects, with cross-curricular links utilised wherever possible.


The children are frequently encouraged to retrieve their prior learning through a variety of activities. This can include low-stake quizzes and knowledge organisers for example. To consolidate their prior learning, lessons are carefully planned to build progressively within individual units. This will be in line with our progression of skills documents and our curriculum maps.

Topic Overviews for 2024 - 2025

Topics are taught for either half a term or a whole term depending on the level of depth the area requires. Below is our current topic overview.

Year Group Overviews

Each year group has a yearly overview they follow which outlines the coverage for each subject in accordance to the unit or topic being covered. Below is the overview for every year group. 

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